Wednesday, February 26, 2014

what is the price for Rajiv Ganhiji sacrifice...

our honourable minister and our soul Mr.G.K.VASAN and ex.minister Mr. .E.V.K.S.ELANGOVAN AT THE HOSPITAL

Respected party workers, congress family members,team youth congress,team NSUI,team INTUC please join together to all..this is the time to destroy Naam tamilar in tamilnadu, we want prove ourself to them...we are the big and leading political party in India..shall we do??? Please answer

The NAM TAMILAR an organization with antisocial minded elements attacked the party workers in the SATHYA MOORTHI BHAVAN- TAMIL NADU CONGRESS PARTY HEADS.
we the congress men having faith on non-violence and peace. even though there is a  limit for our patience.

                                  we know how to handle this situation... time will answer to all ....

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


This is the letter written by Mrs. Sonia Gandhi to the then president Mr.K.R.Narayanan.
Regarding the hangover judgment to the killers of Mr.Rajiv Gandhi by the court.
 She request the president that Showing mercy to the killers.
She is seeking immediate kindness to THE WOMEN Nalini who is a mother to girl of 8 years old.
Also said in her message that she and her family members are not becoming happy over these judgements.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Dear Face Book Friends ....

I request our FB friends,

Really those who are much concern and care about the India and its people.
Start a healthy arguments, sharing’s, and consultations within ourselves.
How to increase the rupee value against dollar
(Our city like Chennai size country Singapore’s dollar rate and European countries?
Drinking water and power supply, medical treatments?
Remover the poverty from the Indian soil?
Communal violence, terrorism, corrupted politicians,
Border disputes on china, Pakistan, Burma, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
The science wonder Face book expecting this kind of healthy matters from us instead who is win in airtell songs, film actors and etc.
Airtell and related medias are business peopleand they cleverly know how to utilizing our thinkings and also earnings money for their pockets.
They utilizing and sharing our times for their developments.
Just think and share to others if you are really a true Indians.