Saturday, July 20, 2013

Rahul Gandhi at Adat Grampanchayat , Thrissur, Kerala, 16 Apr 2013

Dear friends,

                          you are all requested to see our young supremo of our nation sri.rahul gandhi  at
                                              Adat Grampanchayat , Thrissur, Kerala, 16 Apr 2013


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Diplomacy of the Congress party

The Ex ruling party of the D.M.K. candidate miss. Kanimozhli who is owned the rajsaba member(M.P) by the help of the Congress M.L.A.s of Tamil nadu.Few months back ,the DMK party withdraw their support to the ruling congress party .. the reason behind is the srilankan Tamil issues. Now they are seeking support from the congress and help they got win in rajasaba election.